
I want some food please

Lately I've been craving a lot of stuff. Like a freaking pregnant woman.

But NO WAY I'm pregnant.

But I'm starting to feel sorry for all those pregnant chicks who I always watch on TV having cravings in the middle of the night. Usually I felt sorry for the husband and thought to myself "Geezzz lady, your kid doesn't even know what pizza is yet, stop blaming this whims on your unborn child". But now I see their point.

Cravings in the middle of the night is just something sooooooo frustrating for everyone involved.

I was so craving a chocolate cake with whipped cream on top. Mmmmm. And the night before that I was craving a very cheessy pizza with a lot of pineaple and red peper. Just writing about it makes me want to have one.

I guess all this crazziness is because I'm sort of kinda on a diet.

I'm still not sure if I should call it a diet because........well.....I still kinda eat whatever I want, except on smaller portions of course.

But i'm not sure if it's working out because since to keep my self within the limited calories amount per day I need, I can only eat for example three misserable chips ahoy cookies with half a glass of milk. And that alone is like 200 something calories. And I don't get full with just that. Who does???

So then I eat cereal with nuts and dried strawberries and lots of other yummy stuff. But just that is 250 calories. Not counting milk!! So by the time I'm done with my breakfast I've already consumed half the calories I need per day.

And the worst part of this is that my stupid stomach makes these really embarrasing noises if i don't feed it every 10 minutes.

Since I'm in school part of the morning and the afternoon I need to keep feeding my stomach nonstop in classes because I don't want it to start growling at me. And I mean that literally.

It makes so much noise I'm completely mortified whenever I have a test and I can't just keep on eating.

sigh :(
I guess I'm not going to lose weight.

Another summer without hitting the beaches.

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