
My not so favorite characters from Gossip Girl

Okay, this post is more of a rant about my currently favorite show. Gossip Girl.

At one point I never thought I would ever even consider watching the show because one, I didn't even know what channel it was on. And two, it just seemed like an over hyped teen show
that followed in the footsteps of Twilight.

But well, my first judgemental critique was a little unfair given the fact that I had never even watched one whole episode. So taking advantage of the fact that my sister has a Netflix account I decided to watch the first episode.

It wasn't amazing but it was interesting enough to make me want to watch the next episode. And well, after that, the rest is history.

I watched the first season in just 3 days. And the second season in 2. Currently I'm watching season three and I'm almost done with that

I sorta became obsessed with it (I feel so ashamed)

But with most things I watch or read I have my favorites and not so favorites characters.

I think the easiest thing to discuss first is my not so favorite characters.

First there is Vanessa. Almost as soon as I saw her entering the scene of gossip I knew she was one of those characters that even when they were right, they really annoyed the heck out of me.
I just don't feel the 'I'm better than thou' attitude she has with everyone and everything. I understand that some things are morally correct and some aren't but can't this girl just stop pretending like she is the perfect human being in the most annoying way possible? Maybe I just don't like her face. LOL I'm not sure what I'm getting at here but maybe it's like what people say. When you don't like someone for whatever reason, you'll find everything they do annoying.

Second is Serena. Okay, She is the protagonist and I think that we are all supposed to kind of like her in the end even after the mistakes she makes but I can't help but hate her. Yes, she is a somehow-good friend to Blair(Which does earn her brownie points in my book since I really do like Blair) but that's where it ends. I just see her as a superfluous flirty bimbo who has been way too spoiled and for some reason I can't understand (maybe it's cuz I'm a girl) every guy 100 miles from her find her irresistible. She seems to be really good at making me dislike her. She's slept with almost every guy in the show and still everyone idolises her. Maybe it's that weird obsession America has for girls that look like sluts. Sorry S.

But all in all it's an entertaining show which makes me frustrated sometimes but it also makes me laugh and wonder if there really are people who can spend more than 5000 dollars in a dress.

XOXO Gossip Girl
(LOL Sorry for the corniness but this post calls for it)

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