
Dramione and my take on it

I love harry Potter and since I wish the story would have been longer or certain things would have happened instead of others, I turn to fan fiction to satisfy my needs.

Although in the real books there is not even a hint that this pair would ever actually have a love relationship I always thought it would be an actual interesting story if it ever happened. That pairing is of Draco Mayfoy and Hermione Granger, or Dramione for those really into this pair.

I must confess though that their nickname Dramione is a little to cheesy and awkward for me. But I still love this pair nevertheless. I've been able to find some really good stories about them. Ones with very creative plots and good character development. However I found a lot that are really just terrible. I am one who can get pass some situations in a story that might seem pretty unrealistic if they are done in a smart sort of way, BUT what I can't get pass is characters acting....well, out of character.

If you have read the books you have a pretty good idea of how Malfoy and Hermione are. Hermione is a girl who knows herself very well, is responsible, righteous, well-mannered, sympathetic, smart, honest, and talented. Malfoy on the other hand is presumptuous, pompous, good looking, relatively smart, hurtful, hateful, rich, spoiled, knows how to lead, has a prince syndrome and is very sure of himself.

I think their characters and personalities in the book are already defined and those who write fanfictions about them should respect these points. There can be some twists in their lives that can be written by fan fictions authors while developing their love story, but these twists have to be realistic. It can't seem forced and completely fake. Like for example having Hermione suddenly be a great
sexy salsa dancer who makes everyone blind with her beauty just seems completely bogus. Hermione is Hermione and I don't see this as being her at all.

Or Malfoy suddenly being all helpful and soft to others. C'mon who are you kidding?! Malfoy soft? Ha. Malfoy insulting Hermione and constantly calling her a Mudblood and all sort of names seems like what would actually happen in the book. Maybe Hermione hexing him into oblivion at first would fit into a story about this pair very nicely.

I don't really think they have to completely change to start having feelings for each other. Understanding each other and therefore seeing more than they already have seems way more romantic than having Malfoy suddenly thinking Hermione is hot and Hermione thinking Malfoy is muscular and dreamy. Since I really do love the Harry Potter saga and for some reason Dramione(Ugh this nickname) is my all time favorite couple-that-never-actually-happened I feel like I'm more critical of the stories I find of them. I wish I was a little more creative so I could write a good story
about them. But I'm not sure if I would be able to really enjoy my story as a reader since it would be own story and I really do love to read Dramione stories.

Ohhh, one more thing. If you are writing a story about them don't make them call each other by their first names too quickly pleaseeeeee. For some reason I almost immediately lose interest in a story when Malfoy calls Hermione as Hermione or Hermione calls Malfoy as Draco (I think this one is the worst scenario for me). Just let them call each other by their last names as long as possible.
Even if they would ever get married I think it would be cute if they called each other by their last names to tease each other or when they are upset with each other(it would be so cute if Malfoy would call Hermione as "Granger" because he likes how red she would go from indignation at him using her last name after all their time together ***I'm sorry I'm rambling right now but this is what happens to you once you ship this couple :D)

To all fan-fiction authors keep writing and loving our Dramione couple. They are the best and we know it XD(And Malfoy knows it as well ;)

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