
Real Housewives of New York City Recap (season 4)

I'm so dissapointed with Andy (the host from Real Housewives reunions) tonight it's not even funny.

I watched the first part of RHONY half an hour ago and everything I was expecting happened. All ladies didn't act too much like ladies, everyone talked over everyone, they kept attacking one subject but never got to a real solution or clossure, etc.

But for some reason I really disliked Andy tonight by the way he kept asking the blondes to let the brunnetes speak and pretty much shut up, but when the brunettes kept interrumpting the blondes he would just let them.

Usually I find Andy to be kind of the 'voice of reason' during this reunions but tonight I found him completely taking sides with the 'evil and mean side'

I freaking hate Cindy. She's not only bo-ringggggggg but she's effing rude to people and she thinks she's above other people (cough* Luann II). What kind of psycho would wear the suit of his wife's dead ex husband????!!!! That's just creepy. No wonder Ramona was so freaked out at her brother. Thank God they edited most of her parts because I can't stand her.

Jill seems to still be a bully and to want to be the center of attention (i'm so glad she got voted biggest bully in the show) Can't she let Luann deal with her own problems?? Ramona is Ramona, and Luann is always saying condescending things to her so just let them solve it themselves. What's with the "If you don't leave her alone, you'll have to deal with me"? Are you the Godfather now or what? Or are you going to make your dummy, sorry husband, hire a hitman to get rid of Ramona.

Kelly, please just shut up. She's still as crazy as ever and it makes me so mad how she tries to act like the voice of reason, but worse of all how Andy by reading comments of Bravo users (probably it's multiple accounts made by Kelly) who encourage her to keep on interrumpting people to try to 'solve' things, is just adding fuel to her dillusion.

Alex- She's a woman who I think is trying to be more open and honest with herself, but it seems like she doesn't have good timing to butt in. Everyone kept shushing her and telling her not to get involved but everyone did exactly that and no one said anything. She needs to quit the show and try to get her dignity back away from the spotlight.

Sonja- What can I say? They are crazy (in a good way......kinda) They laugh, drink (maybe too much?) dance, laugh again and speak their mind openly. They sometimes step over the line with their comments but I think that all in all they speak the truth.

Luann - One word........."Classless" She needs to stop trying to deny the fact that she acts perfect. That's the first step to recovery. Get over yourself Luann and try to be more humble, dear.


English or Spanish???

I was doing nothing (as always) and I decided to check out blogger to see what kind of nonsense I had written in this blog of mine.

I actually sort of liked my posts from before and it reminded me of things I had been feeling before which is always cool of course.

The one thing I didn't quite liked was the fact that this blog doesn't have just one language in general.

When I first started this blog I wanted to make it a journal where I could just write boring stuff that had happened in my life at the moment. Just general stuff of my routine. But like usual I neglected this blog......and ended up coming back after I don't know how many months since my lost post in Spanish, and i just felt like writing a post. I used English without even noticing it.

I guess a lot of people who are bilingual have this issue in many areas of their lifes. When you're completely bilingual you might have moments when you feel more comfortable a language and another one at other times.

My native tongue (this sounds to me like I'm from a tribe o_o) is Spanish but since I've been living here in the U.S. since high school I also have certain phrases or words that I'm more comfortable using in English.

But enough of all this babbling.

From now on (hopefully) as queen bee of this blog, I'll be writing in English in this particular blog.